Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Luminous Light Beach Remembrance Ceremony, Saturday 16th November 2013, Mullaloo Beach Perth WA.

Michael & I were very blessed to be able to attend the Luminous Light Beach Remembrance Ceremony, this past Saturday. We arrived in Perth on Friday afternoon, and left on Sunday night. It was a whirlwind trip, but we did manage to fit a bunch of stuff in.
- Saw a rooftop movie.
- We travelled around the city, and came across Ye London Court.
- Went to the Perth Mint, where we had a coin personalised for Hugo, and saw a gold bar being poured.
- Sent Hugo a morse code telegram.
- Travelled to Mullaloo Beach for the ceremony and a picnic the next day.
- Went to Freemantle to the markets and brewery.

The decision to make this pilgramage to Mullaloo Beach was made shortly after Hugo's passing. I was searching for guidance in my grief, and landed upon the beautiful works of Carly Marie (www.carlymarieprojectheal.com). It was through this website that I found out about the Luminous Light Friendship Group, and was added to their online group. When I read about last years magical service, I just knew I wanted to honour not only Hugo, but his little angel siblings Star & Sprout in this way.

It was such a healing time for me being away, I had some very close moments with Hugo and was lovely to share the time with Michael. I would describe the ceremony as: releasing, free, unique, peaceful, uniting, love filled, honourable.

Here are some pictures from the trip:

Hugo's Coin (You Can See His Photo From My Phone Case In The Reflection)

Hugo's Telegram


Tieing The Ribbons On The Ribbon Branch

The Rememberance Flame 


Rose Petals Into The Ocean

Rose Petals Into The Ocean

Rose Petals Into The Ocean



What An Honour To Meet The Beautiful Carly Marie

United We Stand

Michael Blowing Bubbles To Our Babies

Beautiful Moon 

Something To Take Home

Something To Take Home

Follow Up: International Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day Luncheon 15/10/2013

I just realised, I still hadn't written a post about the luncheon.

I'm very happy to say it was a great success. We had a lovely bunch of people join us; and together with our wonderful raffle (thanks to some very generous sponsors), we were able to raise a total of $1260 for SANDS Queensland.

MP for Longman, Wyatt Roy kindly joined us for the afternoon, and spent time mingling with those who had attended. We were very grateful for his presence.

Both Nicole Ireland (SANDS QLD President) and I spoke about baby loss, Kate Bryant read a poem, we had a candle lighting ceremony, and showed a powerpoint about the statistics of loss.

Thank you for all those who attended, and helped support bereaved parents accross Queensland. A particular mention to Ashley Horne, and the staff at Beachmere Tavern for sponsoring the event.

Here are some pictures from the day:

Table Centerpieces

Butterfly Board, Candles For Ceremony, The Hugo Effect Memory Box & Articles

Raffle Table 

Butterfly Board

Kate Bryant Reading Poem

Nicole Ireland- SANDS Queensland President

Candle Lighting Ceremony

Candles All Lit

Thank You To Beachmere Tavern Manager

Everyone In Attendance

Nicole Ireland, Wyatt Roy, Tash & Michael Foote

Cupcakes, Kindly Donated By Frosted By Lizzie

Thank You To Our Sponsors

Monday, November 11, 2013

You Are Not Alone (Guest Post: Larissa From Love Is Deeper Still)

If there is one thing I wish every bereaved mummy and daddy knew, it is this: you are not alone.

We found out our baby had no heartbeat on a Monday, she was born on a Wednesday and on Thursday we came home. Although my husband and I had great support from my two midwives, our families and our pastor, I don’t know that I’ve ever felt as alone as I did on that Thursday night. Driving away from the hospital with the empty capsule in the back seat and arriving home to an empty cot just intensified the loneliness that was swirling around in my head. Not only was my baby gone, but I had so many reminders that despite my heart being full of love, my arms were empty. That Thursday night, I felt so very alone.

But the next day, I realised that I actually wasn’t alone; the baby loss community, that I was now a part of, would always be there for me. My sister’s friend had set aside a toy rabbit to send us when our baby was born. Although Ariella was stillborn, she still sent the rabbit and it arrived, along with atouching card, the day after we got home from the hospital.We were home on Thursday night, the rabbit arrived on Friday morning, before I’d even gotten out of bed. This lady had alsoexperienced the death of a baby, and she knew that my arms would need something to hold while I was grieving myAriella’s death. That rabbit received more cuddles than I ever would have anticipated, and was often fetched by my husband before being snuggled in my arms and helping calm my tears.

Some people may hesitate to send a gift after a baby’s death, but not a loss mumma. They know what you need; you are not alone.

Some people may not mention your precious one’s name, but not the baby loss community. They know it is music to your ears; you are not alone.

As time goes on, people may not mark a sweet little girl’s birthday or a handsome boy’s anniversary, but those who have lost a baby will. They know those days are so important; you are not alone.

If you’ve had a miscarriage, an ‘incompatible with life’ diagnosis, a stillbirth or a neonatal death, you are not alone. I know it feels like it at times, I know the heart wrenching, lonely cries from the depths of your soul. I know that my words won’t fix anything, but I also know this: you are not alone.

You can visit Larissa's Blog at http://loveisdeeperstill.blogspot.com.au 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ouma's Word Rocks

I'm a Grandma (Ouma) to 4 precious grandchildren, but can only hold and hug one of them as the other 3 are in Heaven. Each of them where desperately wanted and even though they are not here with us they are very much loved and still part of our lives.

November 13th is World Kindness Day and  together with "The Hugo Effect " and "SANDS Queensland"  I am participating in celebrating  with a whole month of kindness by painting word rocks and leaving them for others to find and hopefully touch then with some love and encouragement in memory of these little ones. (For more information on Word Rocks go to www.wordrocks.me). 

If you have found this blog because you have found one of my rocks, and want to share where you found it please feel free to leave a comment.

With Love,
(Ouma) Essie

Friday, November 8, 2013

Word Rocks

One small gesture can change someone’s day.

November 13th is World Kindness Day and The Hugo Effect is joining with SANDS Queensland, and celebrating the day with a whole month of kindness, in loving memory of my Angel's Hugo, Star & Sprout. 

For more information on Word Rocks go to www.wordrocks.me

If you have come across one of our rocks, we would love to hear about it . 

Love & Light,
Tash, Hugo, Star & Sprout xoxo